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Business & Finance > Personal Information Managers

InfoZoomer 1.01

If you constantly happen to deal with enormous amount of information spread all over your file system, then most surely you would want to view it all at a time, in other words you'd like to have an "overview". Traditional organizers with tree-type structure do not allow to do that.
With the help of InfoZoomer you may visualize your work with any amount of concomitant materials.
Download Details: InfoZoomer
File Size:3.24 MB
Price:US$ 24.95
Order:Buy Now
Download:Download Now
Download ID:11140025
System:Windows All
Update Date:09-26-2004

Imagine flying over a huge table where you can spread out, display in any order, your documents, notes in smaller handwriting, posters in larger print, pictures in any size, electronic alarm clocks, quick run buttons of the software you use, and so much more! You could at the same time, move easily to any place over the table, obtain any height to view the whole table or part of it, or move down to read the smallest note. This is the first approximation to the possibilities, our program InfoZoomer will deliver.


  • to organize your work with various information, that needs to be grouped within your view.

  • to deal with great number of different notes.

  • to find quickly necessary contacts, phone numbers and addresses.

  • to collect and look through pictures and diagrams of various sizes.

  • to create layouts of photos and paintings.

  • to collect web-links.

  • to find important data regardless of their place of storage.

  • to make priorities, choose, single out, and pick the most important data.

  • to plan your work and that of your staff, and keep the plans under control till their realization.

  • to create flows of documents, presentations and speeches as well as any other types of structured materials.

  • to remember an important date or vital event. (the system will notify you in advance)

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