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Business & Finance > Project Management Pages: 1 2 3 4
RoofCOST Estimator for Excel RoofCOST Estimator for Excel
RoofCOST Estimator for Excel is an estimating and sales tool which can help you save time and save money in creating accurate roofing cost estimates.
MinuteMan MinuteMan
MinuteMan is a project management program. It can help you create a project schedule with the dates of tasks and milestones, make notes on each task, assign personnel to certain tasks, and track expenditures.
Compass Project Server Compass Project Server
Compass Project Server is a new standards based Project Management platform that brings all functionality to track and monitor each stage of a project.
TimePunch TimePunch
TimePunch notably provides for the preparation of time sheets. Times can be simply entered and assigned to different projects. Additionally TimePunch offers a range of essential features to help you save time.

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