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Mac Software > Mac Utilities

Mac Pilot 1.0

Mac Pilot - Scared of the terminal or can't be bothered to remember those commands to customize your system the way you want? Mac Pilot is your digital savior. Easily enable and disable hidden features in Mac OS X, optimize and repair your system, and perform numerous routine maintenance operations with the click of a button!
Download Details: Mac Pilot
File Size:6.89 MB
Price:US$ 19.95
Order:Buy Now
Download:Download Now
Download ID:20170001
System:Mac OS X
Update Date:03-12-2007

# Finder

* Toggle Finder visual effects
* Hide & disable Finder menu items
* Enable the Cut Finder menuitem
* Change the Finder Label Line Count
* Add a Quit menu item to the Finder
* Disable Desktop Icons
* Show invisible files
* Enable slow-motion visual effect mode

# Dock

* Toggle the Dock Shadow
* Toggle feature to turn icons for hidden applications transparent
* Lock the size, position, orientation, contents, magnification, and effect of the dock
* Show invisible files in Dock menus
* Add a Quit menu item to the Finder
* Change the orientation, pinning, and effect

# Safari

* Forget that Netscape, Mozilla or IE bookmarks were imported
* Show the Safari build number in the window title
* Enable tool-tip mouse overs for links
* Change logging options
* Show the Debug menu
* Disable PDF support
* Change cache & history limits and options

# Mail

* Use Plain Text message content by default instead of HTML
* Show invisible control characters in message source
* Change bundle compatibility version
* Enable numerous logging options
* Enable or disable bundles

# Disks

* Automatically mount disks without user login
* View detailed disk information such as partition type, free space, boot flags, and more.
* Verify disk permissions
* Repair disk permissions
* Change UPS and Battery disk spindown time

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