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Word Processing-1
SQLPortal Professional
Allows you to
incorporate all relevant information from Microsoft Access, Microsoft
SQL Server or Oracle databases into your Microsoft Word document... |
SQLPortal Professional is a reporting tool
that allows you to incorporate all relevant information from Microsoft
Access, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle databases into your Microsoft
Word document. The product is well suited for Business Intelligence,
Data Mining and Word Processing. The program has a short learning
curve. No programming skills are required. |
With SQLPortal
Professional users can create their own letters, contracts,
reports and mailings containing data from the database. All they
have to do is to add database fields and database queries to their
Word document. ICT Departments can use the tool to effortlessly
satisfy company? reporting needs in a cost effective way. |
Key Features |
Download |
Parameters can be directly specified on the command line. The use
of parameter file is not required anymore; The Multimedia Tutorial
can be downloaded separately as needed; Help embedded within the
Keyboard shortcuts; Multimedia
Tutorial available to aid rapid learning of the program's basic
function; Tips on startup; Keyword generator; Enhanced uninstall
mechanism; Fully integrated with Microsoft Word.
The lay-out of the document
is entirely carried out in Microsoft Word; Very user friendly; Short
learning curve; Programming knowledge is not required!
SQLPortal Professional supports
any Oracle database starting at version 7.x / Microsoft SQL Server
starting at version 6.5/ Microsoft Access database starting at version
Any data within a database
can be accessed; Preserves completely the integrity of the data
in the database; Support of infinite master-detail information by
the use of nested structures; The lay-out of the document and the
database queries are defined fully in one Word document.
Source document can be in any
format that your version of Microsoft Word supports; The output
document is in Microsoft Word native format (.doc); Command line
parameter passing for automated tasks ; Graphical User Interface
(GUI) available . |
Related Software: |
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- SQLPortal Professional - incorporate information from Microsoft Access, SQL Server or Oracle databases into Microsoft Word document
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