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Image Editing-1
PixSmart Digital Imager 1.0
Edit and View Digital Images software - PixSmart Digital Imager makes working with your digital images easy and fun. |

PixSmart Digital Imager is a full feature
image application. PixSmart offers access to a great number of image
file formats. It also allows you to edit and view your digital images
in a great number of ways. Browse images, batch resize and rotate,
email, slides shows, and much more.
PixSmart Digital Imager
is an easy to use application that allows you the ability to view,
edit and make use of graphic files with the following formats:
JPEG (*.jpg), Tagged Image File (*.tif), GIF and animated GIF (*.gif), Bitmap (*.bmp), Windows Icons (*.ico),
Windows cursors (*.cur), Windows Animated Cursor (*.ani), Kodak PhotoCD (*.pcd), Kodak FlashPix (*.fpx),
PaintBrush Pcx (*.pcx), Windows Meta File (*.wmf), Windows Enhanced Meta File (*.emf), Adobe Photoshop (*.psd),
Portable Network Graphics (*.png), Truevision TGA (TARGA) (*.tga), Sun Raster (*.ras), Word Perfect Graphic (*.wpg),
MacPict (*.mac), Microsoft Windows Clipboard (*.clp), Silicon Graphics Image (*.sgi), XPicmap (*.xmp), Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps),
Windows Animation (*.avi), Portable Bitmap (*.pbm, *.pgm, *.ppm). |
Features |
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and View Digital Images - PixSmart Digital Imager Features:
Viewing Images
- Precision zooming
- Pan window
- Magnifying glass
- Detailed image information
Browsing images and effecting batches of images
- Email
- Resizing and Rotating
- Copy, paste, move, delete, etc.
Opening, converting, importing images, etc.
- Open any number of images simultaneously
- Convert image formats easily with the Save as command
- Import images from various sources including digital cameras and scanners
- Print images and Email images easily
Full-featured Screen Capture System
- Full screen and Selected portions of any screen
- Individual objects (buttons, toolbars, etc.)
- Menus, Mouse cursors and Multiple captures
Editing and manipulating images
- Cropping, Resize, Rotate, Shear, Trim, Despeckle, Duplicate, Adjust brightness and contrast, Sharpen, Equalize,
Gamma correct, Adjust saturation and hue, Remove red-eye, Set color resolution, Balance colors, Invert colors,
Swap colors, Perform color separations and merges, Convert images to grayscale, Create halftones, Posterize,
Solarize, Create mosaic effects, Emboss, Add and remove blurs of different types, Add noise, Apply underlay patterns,
Blend and combine images, Create oil painting effects, Add text and Draw effects
Create slide shows
- Save shows for future use of changes
- Thousands of transition effects
- Package shows in single file stand-alone applications that can be emailed easily from PixSmart
- Add titles/captions to each slide
- Precision control of show while it is playing
Other features
- Full feature thumbnail browser that acts like Windows Explorer but with more graphic file functionality
- Drag and drop images from PixSmart and to PixSmart from other Windows applications
- Associate graphic files with PixSmart for easy opening and more features...
Edit and View Digital Images Related Software: |
- Graphics Converter Pro - Powerful batch image converter and viewer
- HyperSnap-DX - Perfect screen capture and image editing tool.
- Image Viewer - View and refine images from folders and browsers
- Image Broadway - Image editor for beginners and professionals!
- Image Converter - Solution for all your image conversion needs.
- Image Grabber - An advanced photo search program.
- AutoImager - Batch image processing/conversion software supporting 70+ formats and operations.
- ContextConvert Pro - nearly all multimedia formats conceivable!
- PicturesToExe - Simple and intuitive interface to convert pictures to Exe, photos to Exe, images to Exe software
- Image Catalog - Batch thumbnailing utility capable of processing multiple directories with one push of a button.
- PixSmart Digital Imager - Makes working with your digital images easy.
- Photofit Harmony - Perfect panoramic photo stitching software.
- PhotoCool - The Best Digital Photo Printing Software!
- RasterVect - Powerful Raster to Vector conversion software.
- Red Eye Remover - Photo correcting program to removes the "redeye"
- Smart Graphic Kid - Help kids view, edit and convert images.
- Smart Pix Manager - Powerful Manage, Edit and View Images.
About |
File Size:
8 MB
30 day trial period before registration
Win 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003
20M free HD space
ScreenShot |
Click to Enlarge